Monday 26 March 2012

Jacob Zuma, how good a president has he been?

On March 19th, the Sowetan newspaper published an article by Prince Mashele titled "The worst shall govern". This article specifically takes a close look at Mr Jacob Zuma as well as the party he leads. According to Mshele the qualities in which the past leaders of the ANC possesd have drastically dropped, since Mr Jacob Zuma has been placed as president. Right from the beginning with Dr. John Dube in the year 1912, to Thabo Mbeki, the leaders of the ANC have had common qualities that stood out in more ways than one. for instance, they all had some form of formal education, just to mention a few the South African Online History staes the following
  • Dr J.T Dube : A South African essayist, Philospher, Educator,Politician, Publisher and Editor
  • J.T Gumede : A Teacher, Politician and Journalist
  • DR Pixley ka Isaka Seme : A Lwayer and Journalist
  • Chief A.Luthuli : A Teacher
  • Dr A.B Xuma : A Teacher and Medical doctor
and unlike all the others, Zuma carries with him only informal education. Mashele goes on to stating that even though some these former leaders were not that popular, they by no doubt also possesd intellectual credentials with them, which once again Zuma does not have. With all former ANC leaders came ethics and morality, and through Mashele's analysis, both ethics and morality are not found in Zuma. Yes he is not expected to be  perfect, but his definitely not on poin.

Just like Prince we all would like a well respected president, someone we trust can do all that is expected of them. But even so, does this particular person need to be formally educated and a person of intellectual credentials? As for ethics and morality, can we really nail Zuma down for that? If yes does this confirm Mashele's analysis of him? What makes a president?


  1. I think what makes a good president is being positive, standing up for the country, doing what is in the best interest of the country, regardless of the fact that you may not be highly educated but at list have a political education and great leadership skilss. Jacob Zuma is a good president. He is positive about SOUTH AFRICA

  2. Well I believe this is too braod a question and might need to be narrowed down a little. And I believe we cannot fully answer it without considering relativity. Jacob Zuma is anythung but perfect and his many woes have sparked doubt in the minds of even his most faithful followers. For instance he has numerable allegations against him ranging from corruption to rape. We cannot help but bring to light the adage that says"there is no smoke without fire" allegations don't normally meterialize from thin air certainly not as many as have charged agianst our president. He seems to have very little concern for ethics which in my books renders him unfit to govern, not to mention his lack of formal education,which is a preesing issue that should not go unattended.

  3. My opinion about JZ is that he should have complemented the low standard of education he has with good morals. Obviously when we elect a party into power we do not expect an Angel but you cannot rule out good morals as the country looks up to you. We do not expect an academic intellectual either, but at least someone who would understand current policies and have a strong desire to make a difference.

    A president of the country cannot be told to "Keep his zip up or face being recalled". A lot can be said that truly makes it obvious that he was just a available at a time when the ANC really needed an urgent replacement for Mbeki who was becoming more of a dangerous dictator firing Cabinet Ministers and Premiers like it was out of fashion and no longer taking advice from the party that deployed him.

    Mashele may have come out harsh like Mugabe doing the right thing but going about it the wrong way, but truth be told his analysis echoes what a lot of South Africans are afraid to say. "Zumas's ethics, morality and his low education are his biggest down fall. That is going to cause him not being re-elected for the second term
